Foolproof Affirmations That Encourage a Positive Mindset

Today it doesn’t matter who you are or what status you hold in life, we all need a little encouragement every now and then.

There isn’t anyone living who has not faced disappointment, loss, setbacks, and/or discouragement. We’ve all had to learn how to navigate through these very human emotions while working diligently to accomplish our goals.

Those who learn how to use their words to motivate and empower themselves along this journey are the ones who are able to break down these tangible and intangible barriers to create the life they want to live.

If you want to keep yourself mentally and spiritually sharp against life’s ups and downs, affirmations will motivate you during those hard times. You will free your mind, spirit, and achieve a more positive mindset.

Affirmations are not a magic cure, but they are declarative statements that can help refresh your mindset and calm your spirit. They are short statements of positivity that are used each day to remind you of the power you possess within.

Start your journey to clearing the blockages that hold you back, today! Practice repeating or writing these affirmations once a day for thirty days. Challenge and allow yourself to see the changes that affirmations can make on your mood and daily life.

I Have The Ability To Do Anything I Put My Mind To Do

We must trust and believe that we are capable of doing the things we want to do if we are willing to invest the needed time and energy to make it happen. We all may not be able to do everything well, but we all have the ability to learn. Just be sure you are setting realistic goals that match your level of commitment. Every step you make has a way of advancing you towards your goal if you stick with the plan. It won’t take long before you’ll see how quickly your faith in yourself will pay off.

I Will Be The Best Me I Can Possibly Be

Sometimes people get caught up in trying to be as good as someone else. But, what we need to do is just be the very best that we can be. There is only one you and nobody else can be a better you than you. There is nothing wrong with seeking to improve yourself. But, be sure it’s what you want to do and the choices you make feel right for your life.

I Will Learn To Be Thankful For What I Have While Working To Achieve More.

When we learn how to be thankful for what we have, we won’t feel so dissatisfied with the things we don’t have. No one has everything they want, but we must learn how to create a positive mindset of gratefulness. The more grateful you are for the things you have the more you are able to share with others which leaves room for more blessings to come your way.

I Might Fall Down, But I Won’t Stay Down

Life is full of setbacks and distractions. It’s our job to learn how to make the best out of a bad situation. There are times when we may falter along the way, but we don’t have to stay in the rut. Just remember a baby falls many times before he learns to walk. It may take us several tries before we get what we really want. Keep on trying until it happens because it will if you don’t give up.

I Will Work Hard To Learn From My Mistakes.

Mistakes are a real part of life that can happen to anyone at anytime. The important thing is to learn from the mistakes and apply the lessons you learn to help you improve every aspect of your life. As the old saying goes, nothing beats a failure, but a try. Some mistakes seem unimportant, but there is always a lesson to be learned from anything that happens.

Lessons can only make us stronger and more aware of what we are capable of doing. No one wants to make unnecessary errors, but sometimes mistakes are unavoidable. Just don’t spend too much time feeling sorry for yourself when sorrow won’t change the outcome. Learn to forgive yourself and make every effort not to repeat the same mistake again.


It’s always nice when others encourage you. But, we can’t always count on others to provide us with the positive reinforcements we need. That’s why we must learn how to take a little time everyday to invest in ourselves.

Others may recognize your value, but it’s up to you to keep yourself motivated to become all you are capable of being. Just think how much better the world would be if we all maintained a positive mindset. What an awesome place this would be!

Use these five affirmations each and every day. You will find strength and courage to recognize that all things are possible.

The tools we need to succeed are within reach. We must learn how to keep them ever present in our thinking.

If you are ready to start living a fulfilling life and feel more empowered, get your copy of my book, Enlightenment II.

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