Overcoming Self-Imposed Limits In Your Life With Affirmations

Have you ever been told you couldn’t do something that you knew in your heart you could do, but you listened to the doubters? Have you ever felt a pang of regret because you made a decision based of fear of failure rather than courage?

I’m sure most of us have been in this position on numerous occasions. We allowed the words of others to speak louder than our own inner voice of confidence.

However, I am here to let you know that it is never too late to learn how to take the limiting beliefs off of your life. You can soar to the heights you always dreamed you could achieve.

The solution to your doubts are simple: infuse your life with positive affirmations to remind you of the power you possess within. This will help you gain confidence, sometimes instantly, and ease your anxieties.

This tried-and-true method will boost your self-esteem when practiced daily. Once you start tapping into your full potential, you can start to clear blockages that get in the way of your happiness. You will be able to look beyond the ordinary, and into the extraordinary things you are capable of even when others don’t see your potential.

5 Affirmations for an Instant Confidence Boost

  1. I won’t be limited by the limitations of others.

Recognize that we all have thoughts and ideas that are rooted and grounded in our own knowledge and experiences in life. Some people think we should feel exactly the way they do because of their limitations. The real truth is, we are only limited by our own self limiting beliefs. If we believe we can, usually, we can. Be willing to take the limits off. Go above and beyond the expectations of what others think we can or cannot do. Remember, someone else’s limitations don’t automatically apply to you. You have a choice so use it.

2. I won’t say I can’t until I have tried.

I use to always tell my children when they were growing up that there was no such word as “can’t”. Using this word expresses our inability or unwillingness to face an obstacle that appears too difficult to overcome. Sometimes, we find it easier to admit defeat before we have even given ourselves a chance to know what we are really capable of doing. Give yourself a chance before you throw in the towel. Sometimes, first efforts don’t yield the results you expect. Giving up before you get started always seems easier over admitting defeat. Every victory will increase your mindset for more and more success.

3. I believe in myself even when others don’t.

Self-confidence is one of those characteristics that we all want to possess. Sometimes, we are afraid to use it because it can sometimes feel like conceit to others. It is not always easy to overcome the doubt and apprehension of others. We must continue to speak words of positivity into our own lives until we truly believe them. When you believe in yourself it will inspire others to believe in you as well. Also, a positive attitude will always make the difference between success and failure of any venture you undertake. That’s why it’s so important to surround yourself with like-minded people. They will help you lose the doubt and embrace your potential and belief in your own abilities.

4. I won’t allow others to take my power.

Power is one of those elusive things that everyone wants to own. Truthfully, we all have power to make choices in our own lives. We only relinquish that power when we allow others to make decisions that may not be in our best interest. They can exert authority and do our bidding even if that bidding is detrimental and causes harm.  Instead, we can take our power back. Even when we don’t know how to use it, we can exert authority. Not only will this build our self-esteem, but we’ll also learn to forge our own destiny.

5. I will always strive to make good decisions.

Most of us become fearful of making life-altering decisions because we are never sure how that decision will ultimately affect us. Unfortunately, there is no magic mirror that will help us know the outcome of every decision we make. Our job is to make the best choice we can based on the information we have in front of us. Mistakes are inevitable, but our job is to learn from those mistakes and make a better choice the next time around. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and don’t be afraid to fail because it will only help you become better.


Learn how to see all the possibilities that life has to offer.

Life will become easier once you set your sights higher than you ever dreamed. You have the power to change your life through the words you speak. You can gain the confidence and control you need to remove any limits you don’t want.

If you want to dive deeper into boosting your self-esteem, check out Enlightenment II, and share it with a friend. Let’s continue to remove any limitations that may hold us back.

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  1. film

    great article!

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