Create A Foundation To Get WhatYou Want In Life

It’s never easy to figure out the things that will really make our lives better versus the things we think will make our lives better. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between what is real and what is false to build our foundation of life upon.

It is easy to think that the glitz and glam of life are the things we should seek rather than the practical and simple things that appear less attractive to the average on-looker because it doesn’t immediately grab the attention, but they can provide security against the false. I

It’s not always easy to identify the fake from the real because we have placed so much emphasis on making everything look the same, but in reality once you scratch the surface the difference becomes abundantly clear.

“Everything you want is within reach if you know where to look.”

There is nothing wrong with wanting to have the finer things in life, but the right preparation must be made to secure their possession and maintenance. A lot of people are desirous of owning a large mansion, but along with owning a large mansion there must be the ability to pay the expenses that come along with the purchase of that mansion. Additionally, if help is needed to clean, furnish and manicure your mansion, are you in a position to make things happen without a problem? Otherwise, that dream mansion can easily become a burdensome nightmare. That’s why we have to constantly give ourselves a reality check to be sure we are building our lives, hopes and dreams on a firm foundation that will provide us with the things we want and need as our focus in life changes through the years.

“What you can’t see might hurt you.”

Sometimes it is hard to stick with the tried and true method of doing things when everybody is using the quick and dirty method to get what they want. Unfortunately, we live in a microwave society and everybody wants everything to happen instantly. The days of waiting patiently for things to manifest are almost non-existent and most people are willing to take less and pay more if it means they don’t have to wait. However, because of this factor, many people are feeling nervous and insecure about their lives and the things they own. If your foundation is full of hatred, dishonesty, impatience, falsehoods, or any such thing, the result usually contains fear, depression, insecurity, doubt, strife, etc. This doesn’t mean that everyone who is depressed or fearful has an unstable foundation, but it never hurts to check where you are standing to make sure you are in the place where you want to be if you hope to obtain the things you want to obtain. If not, it’s never too late to change directions so you can get the things you desire most out of life.

“A good examination never hurts.”

Creating a foundation for getting the things you want can be simple if you are willing to take an objective view of the things that may be causing uncertainty and doubt in your life when what you really want is peace and security. Let’s start with seven foundational layers that must be present to ensure the life you want to build contains the substance that will last through any situation you may encounter.


Love is one of those foundational words that we hear often, but sometimes the real meaning gets lost   in all the sensationalism and hype. Most people use it casually to indicate affection

. However, the true meaning of love should not only include a warm and fuzzy feeling, but it should also include actions that demonstrate the depth and breath of the caring and concern that exists for all human kind.

We all want those that are a part of our immediate family and our extended family to do well, but we should also want those that are not related to us in a biological way to equally flourish.

Love should never make a sacrifice so it can be praised by others or gain an advantage, but the true foundation of love always strives to extol others to do better.

When you place the welfare of others as a priority and they in turn do the same, how much better would our lives be when we all show real caring and love for one another.


Someone once asked the question, what is truth? Truth is an absolute certainty that remains the same regardless of the circumstances. Consequently, this means that there can be no variation with truth because it has to be the same for everyone or it is not truth.

When we are children our truth is shaped by the family structure we are exposed to. We have no basis from which to confirm or deny what we have been taught as truth; therefore, we learn to experience life through the people tasked to raise us.

As we broaden our circle of family and friends we soon learn that the world is much larger and more complex than we thought. Soon we must begin to forge our own way and use the truth we have learned to help us make decisions about how we will live our lives.

It is up to us to ask the hard questions so that we are not living our lives surrounded by fables and old wives tales, but we can seek to know the truth and allow that truth to make us free.

When you build your life on the foundation of truth there is nothing that can come along and confuse you or make you unsure about where you are standing.


When we think about the word justice, we think about what is fair and what is right. Most of us want the fair and right thing to happen when justice is applied to us or to those we love.

However, justice doesn’t feel quite the same when it applies to someone who has wronged us or has wronged someone we love. Somehow the fair and right thing to do becomes a little less clear if we have no vested interest in the outcome for people we don’t know.

That’s why we have to be sure we are building our lives on a solid foundation that includes equity and equality for all. If we don’t care what happens to those in the broader society, then our sense of right and wrong becomes skewed and we will feel entitled to special treatment that renders justice and fairness null and void.

Once we realize that everyone wants the same things we want, it becomes easier to show compassion and expect the same compassion in return. The more we can understand the connection we have to one another the better we can live our lives


There are times in our lives when we truly deserve justice, but what we receive is mercy. Mercy is the ability to see beyond what a person actually deserves, yet give them an opportunity they did not merit.

How often have we done things that should have resulted in harsh punishment, but instead of being punished we were forgiven and given another chance to make amends?

Most of us can probably attest to the fact that we have been shown mercy when we should have received a swift kick in the pants, but we were shown love and compassion to help us get on the right track.

Just as we have received forgiveness and understanding, we should also incorporate these same qualities into our foundation so that we can show mercy to others when it is most needed.

A little mercy can go a long way when it is applied liberally to the right situations.


How many times have you wanted to speak out against something that you knew was incorrect, but you were afraid? Many of us find ourselves in the same predicament where we know what we should do, but we choose not to act because we are afraid of the consequences. Courage is the ability to take a stand even though you may be criticized and/or ridiculed because of that stand.

It takes a lot of courage to step out on your own and pursue a dream that no one believes you can accomplish, yet you do it anyway. It takes courage to help someone who has no visible means of returning the favor, but you help them regardless of the challenge.

Moreover, it takes courage to face your fears as you stand up for what is right when everything within you wants you to keep quiet. Courage doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid, but it is the ability to act even though you may be afraid. No one goes through this life without a single fear or insecurity. Those who learn how to move past their comfort zone that will create a foundation that is strong and sure.

Sometimes having courage means you must stand alone. When you stand up for what is right, you’ll find that there are many other courageous people who won’t be afraid to stand along with you.


Learning to make the right moves at the right time is an indication that wisdom is being applied as we learn how to navigate through the complexities of life.

It is not always easy to know the right things to do or the right things to say that will bring about the best results, but learning to analyze the clues you are given can help you make a good decision. A wise person understands when it is time to speak and when it is time to keep silent and they will act accordingly.

We may not know what the future will hold, but wisdom requires that we leave as many of our options open so we can have as many choices as possible.

Wisdom requires that we learn how to store and preserve the lessons of life in a safe place so they can be recalled and used at a later date when they are most needed.


The last foundational layer I want to talk about at this time is the word understanding. This simply means learning how to see a situation from the viewpoint that may be different from your own. It doesn’t mean you will always agree with what is being said, but it is striving to see someone else’s vantage point that may be just as valid as yours. Having the ability to understand that there is more than one way to do anything will help you become a more tolerant person.

Our first priority is to understand who we are and what makes us special. Once we learn to accept that we are all a part of a greater whole, it becomes easier to find our place in the world. As we gain understanding about how things work, we won’t always second guess what our value and worth means to those we know.

Although we may live in individual bodies; individual houses; and individual communities, all of our lives intertwine and intersect in such a way that it is impossible to do without one another.

As we seek to understand ourselves, we will find that we are not so different from others after all. It is only through knowledge of understanding others that we can ever hope to create a better life for all concerned.

Action Steps

Honor your journey. Now that you have had the opportunity to consider the foundational layers of your life, what will you do with the information?

Here’s a few action steps that will help you create the life you want to live in:

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  2. Don’t be afraid to make changes as needed.
  3. Forgive yourself if you don’t get it right the first time.
  4. Keep an open mind.
  5. Always look for good examples.

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