How To Truly Be An Independent Thinker

We all have the tendency to think about a wide range of things that may strike our attention as we go through our daily routine, but most of these thoughts are random and seldom lead to significant actions. Some thoughts are important while other thoughts are trivial.

Anybody can think anything they choose, but the more you focus your thoughts and ideas on positive actions and words that will motivate you to move outside your comfort zone the more independent your thinking will become and what others think won’t matter as much.

An independent thinker is someone who is continuously pushing the envelope and looking for answers that are outside of the box that contains the crowd mentality.

Let’s talk about a few scenarios that will test your ability to think beyond the typical mindset.

There is nothing wrong with using a good idea, but make sure the thoughts you think are ones that allow you to be yourself while still allowing you the flexibility to grow and develop as an individual.

Scenario 1:

John is a young man who one day plans to start his own business. He finished college about two years ago and he is now working for a small company that pays him pretty well for being a recent graduate. John drives an old 2005 Ford Focus and he brings his lunch to work every day because he wants to save as much money as he can to help him start his business in a couple of years.

All of John’s co-workers drive newer model cars and they tease him because they think he is putting his life on hold for a dream that may or may not happen. How much weight should John place on the opinions of his co-workers?

I think the answer should always be, it all depends on who it is and whether or not their opinion has merit.

Sometimes we need to bounce our ideas off of other people, but we should never substitute what we think and believe for the beliefs of others. Just remember that no one should want more for you than you want for yourself. If you have a dream and a plan, don’t let others talk you out of your dreams especially if you have a plan in place to accomplish those dreams.

Scenario 2:

Hannah had been dating the same guy since high school. Her parents didn’t really care for him because he was a high school dropout and he didn’t seem to have any career goals. Most of her close friends did not think he was the right guy for her either, but Hannah thought they were all being too hard on him. She thought he was a nice guy even though he did not seem to have any ambition other than smoking a little pot and hanging out with his friends. Hannah had a little part time job and she was taking a few college classes with plans to one day obtain her degree. Hannah felt that no one was giving her boyfriend a chance and she felt with a little time, patience and understanding he would get on the right track and they could build a real life together. Should Hannah listen to her family and friends and find herself a new boyfriend?

How many times have you regretted doing or not doing something because you decided to listen to someone else’s opinion instead of following your own mind?

Well, it happens all the time to even the most astute person. Don’t forget we don’t know everything; but in most instances if we follow our instincts about most situations we won’t go wrong.

As someone who wants to make wise choices as much as possible, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it, but don’t be afraid to make a few mistakes along the way because they will help you learn and grow. Never dismiss wise counsel, but learn how to incorporate the best information you receive to help you make even better choices.

Scenario 3:

Blair thought of herself as a very talented actress who one day dreamed of becoming a star on Broadway. Although she never received encouragement from people outside of her family and close friends, she always felt in her heart that she had what it took to become a success. Blair had always struggled with her weight, but she was a very beautiful woman full of hopes and dreams. A lot of people thought she was crazy for setting her sights on such a lofty goal, but she knew she had something to offer and she wanted to give it a try even though she knew it might be a long shot. She knows that even though we have come a long way in our attitudes about people who don’t fit the typical size mold, she is hoping to make a good impression because of her skills as an actress. Can Blair keep herself image intact when everyone else wants her to conform to the norm?

Yes, we can keep our self-image and our self confidence in tact as long as we stay surrounded by those who love us and those who will support us in our efforts.

The primary objective is to make sure you know who you are and know where you want to go in your life. If you are confused about what is important to you, then you are setting yourself up for others to provide direction that may or may not align with your goals.

Take the time to figure out what is important and use every available resource at your disposal to ensure your independence is never compromised by the voices of others. Additionally, surrounding yourself with people who believe in you and those who will support you is extremely important. Also, you need people who will not just say things you want to hear, but you also need people who will be honest with you when it is needed.

Don’t ever allow someone else’s limitations to limit you.

These scenarios were designed to make you think, not to place you on the spot.  The more confidence you have in yourself and the more willing you are to invest in your own independence the less you will need the approval of others to sustain you.

We all have thoughts and opinions about every facet of life, but if you hope to change your life for the better, you must start by changing your mindset to achieve the success you want to see. Leave a comment to let me know what you think.

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