Five Affirmations to INSTANTLY Boost Your Confidence

Affirmations are short statements of positivity that are spoken everyday to remind us of the greatness we possess within. Sometimes we can allow the pressures of life and the negativity of others to over-shadow the reality of who we are and who we want to become.

But as we continue to remind ourselves about the things that make us uniquely who we are, it helps us to silence the other outside voices that might hinder our progress towards the goals we want to achieve.

These declarative statements are easy to remember and are designed to elevate your mindset as you incorporate these words into your daily vocabulary.

Below I have listed five affirmations from my book, Enlightenment II Building Self Esteem Through Poems and Positive affirmations, that are easy to remember, and will provide a powerful boost to your confidence and self esteem as you incorporate them in your daily routine:

Affirmation #1

 I deserve to be treated well

The first person who must treat you well is you. When you treat yourself well, then it is easier to expect that others will treat you well also. Once you believe and accept this fact, you will not accept anything less.

Affirmation #2

Affirmation two. I will be the best person I can be every day

This doesn’t mean you will be perfect, but it expresses your desire to be your best at all times. If mistakes are made, you always have another opportunity to do better.

Affirmation #3

Affirmation three. I am worthy of love

Love is something we all need and want in our lives, but we must believe we are worthy of unconditional love from ourselves and others. Love never has to be earned, but it must be freely given.

Affirmation #4

Affirmation four. I will keep my mind elevated with positive thoughts.

The thoughts that you keep in the forefront of your mind have a direct bearing on how you view and interact with the rest of the world. When you allow negativity to dominate it becomes much harder to overcome obstacles.

Affirmation #5

Affirmation five. I forgive myself for any mistakes in my past

Remember everyone has made mistakes, but the important thing is to learn from the mistakes you’ve made and strive to do better the next time around.

RELATED: 10+ Positive Affirmations for Daily Motivation

As you practice saying these five affirmations each and every day you will be amazed at how much better you will feel inside and out. The tools we need to succeed are already within our grasp, but we must learn how to keep them ever present in our thinking and watch the difference it will make in our lives.

To learn more, get your copy of Enlightenment II, and share it with a friend.

If you have some affirmations that you would like to share, please leave them in the comment section below and let’s build our confidence together.

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