Boost Your Confidence By Flexing Your Self-Esteem Muscles

Self-Esteem is one of those terms that we hear so much about in our everyday conversations. Most of us never think too seriously about what the word means. Some people describe self-esteem as feeling good about yourself. Others may think of it as having the ability to speak positively about whom you are and what you do.

However, many people appear successful, out-going, and dynamic from the outside. But, they still lack confidence where it counts, on the inside. Conversely, people who appear less successful based on a societal view might possess the highest level of self-esteem. They feel good about who they are and what they have been able to accomplish, even if it does not meet with the approval of the masses.

How we ultimately view ourselves is a direct reflection of family dynamics, environment, social interaction, and self-awareness. All these factors can play a role in helping us build our confidence and self-esteem. I will share strategies to help get rid of the excess baggage of insecurity, doubt, and fear. Learn to flex your self-esteem muscles with confidence, courage, and clarity. Try my few exercises below that will help you strengthen your self-esteem muscles from flabby to firm.

Get Rid of Self-Limiting Words

Self-limiting words are beliefs that stifle creativity and imagination and hold you back from trying something different. Some words include: I can’t, I never, they won’t let me, nobody ever, I’m not able, I’m not smart enough, etc. The operative words are…I’m not. The Bible says, “Whatsoever a man thinks, so is he.” If you think you can’t, then you can’t.

Dump all these self-limiting beliefs in the trash. Replace them with no-limit words like, I can, I know, I will, I have,  I am able, etc. Watch how your attitude changes along with your confidence.

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Complement Yourself On The Things You Do Well

Don’t feel obligated to sit around and wait on others to tell you when you have done a great job. It is much more advantageous to learn how to focus on the things you do well rather than paying too much attention to the things you don’t do well.

Remember, no one does everything right. It’s not conceited to credit yourself and pat your own back for doing a good job every now and then. The difference is that people with high self-esteem know how to focus on their assets rather than their liabilities. The number of assets you possess is not important. Celebrating the ones you have now will increase your self-confidence and help your self-esteem to grow.

Learn To Digest Self-esteem Building Nutrients In Your Life

Just like we derive nutrients from the foods we eat, we can obtain self-esteem building nutrients from the people we allow in our inner circle of associates. These are people who know how to foster and encourage you on your journey to becoming a more self-aware and self-reliant person.

Also, what you watch on TV, listen to on the radio and read on social media will invariably have the potential to provide good substance when you learn how to discern quality of life from quantity of life. It’s all a matter of perspective.

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Set Aside Time To Just Do You

Most of us have busy full lives that seem to include everyone but us. It’s all about making a living. We are focused on paying bills, caring for children and family, and fulfilling all the obligations that leave us very little time to think about what we want and need.

We can’t be our best if we are always focused on everyone else’s needs and neglect spending time on our own needs. There is nothing wrong with taking a little time, every day or every week, to focus on ourselves. Go out and do something that truly makes you happy. The better we feel about ourselves, the more we have to share and contribute to others.

Embrace Your Imperfections.

The more you are able to embrace and accept every aspect of who you are the more you will see what an asset you are to the world. This doesn’t mean we can’t improve things as needed, but each time we learn to be proud of who we are we win the battle against self-doubt and insecurity. Every win no matter how big or small is still counted as a win and brings us much closer to becoming the person we were created to be.

The self-esteem journey is a never ending quest to appreciate and use the characteristics we have been given as human beings and make them work to our advantage.

Every journey is not the same. But, we can all achieve the results of making our lives fuller and more complete when we recognize the world is a better place because we are here.

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