How To Face Adversity With The Right Attitude

Maturity comes not just with age, but with the right attitude.

What is adversity?

Someone once said that the trials and tribulations of life come to make us stronger, but as we are going through those difficult times, truthfully, it never feels good. Most of us would rather do anything to avoid going through hard times, but what we don’t realize is that these bumps in the road help us to build the strength we need to face life’s challenges that will inevitably come our way. The simplest definition for adversity is: Difficulty, misfortune, tragedy, opposition, or hardships that may assail us without provocation. Many times when calamity strikes we may not be prepared mentally, physically or emotionally to deal with the aftermath of our misfortune, but our job is to find a way to pick up the pieces and make sense out of the whole ordeal. That’s why our attitude is so important because it helps us to make hard choices and find the deeper value in what we have experienced.

Regardless of whom you are or what your social standing might be, we all go through heartaches and disappointments in life that can either make us or break us. It all depends on how you choose to view your circumstances. It may seem a whole lot easier to adopt an attitude of defeat and just give up, but in the long run no one will really care about your troubles because everybody has their own. Their hard times may not be exactly like yours, but in the whole scheme of things, we’ve all had to learn how to face adversity as we continue through this journey called life. Our choices are only limited by our imagination. It simply becomes a matter of taking one day at a time rather than seeing our obstacles in life as an insurmountable wall that cannot be overcome.

Can we avoid adversity?

Unfortunately, no one goes through this life without having some unforeseen and unplanned situations that can throw us off our game and give us a challenge. Whether we like it or not, bad things happen to good people just as good things happen for bad people. Most of us would prefer to avoid the problems of life and only experience pleasure, but sickness, death, stress, tragedy and grief are all things that can happen without warning or provocation. Consequently, there is no magic formula that will help us avoid every pitfall of life.   But there are some things we can do to help make the process more tolerable. The important things to remember is that it starts with are attitude and it will end with our attitude. There are things we can do to minimize the effects of these life traumas, but it is all up to us to make the difference. The first thing to remember is that everyone faces difficulties.  No one is immune. The next thing is to realize that we can’t control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we feel about what happens. Additionally, always remember that you are not alone. If someone else has made it through so can you. Finally, recognize that there is a growth lesson after every storm so you should learn how to embrace the growth even in the midst of the storm.

What can adversity do for you?

The adversities of life can help you become more appreciative of the things you already have. We are all human and we are all subject to the impacts of our decisions; good or bad, but the more prudent choices we make the fewer unnecessary problems we will encounter. We know we can’t avoid every tragedy or bad break that may come our way, but we can choose to have a positive mindset that will elevate us and encourage us through the difficult times. We must also understand that adversity always brings about some type of growth whether it is mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional, but it is up to us to accept these benefits.  This is also a time to evaluate and re-evaluate connections. Learn to avoid toxic relationships that don’t provide you with support and strength. Friends that always seem to attract trouble, but are rarely available when problems arise. Choosing the right influences is an absolute must when you need a helping hand. Good examples are everywhere if you just look around. Parents, teachers and mentors who are on the path that will take you to the place where you want to go are always excellent resources to help steer you in the right direction and they are usually there with a helping hand. When you see trouble coming your way, don’t walk, run. If you know you are headed for problems make every effort to circumvent them. Anything that has the potential to cause you grief and sorrow should be evaluated very carefully before dedicating time, energy and resources. Even with all of this going for you, we can never avoid every unpleasant thing that might happen, but what we can’t avoid, we can use to help us grow stronger. It is generally believed that what doesn’t kill us will make us better, but we must be open and ready to receive the benefits of our experiences.

How do we develop the right attitude through adversity?

Developing the right attitude is always a challenge especially when you genuinely believe life has dealt you an unfair blow. Truthfully, even when we know we are the cause of our own  difficulties it is not always easy to maintain a positive outlook, but those who use these down times as a stepping stone to something better are the ones who can show others how to do the same. The right attitude can mean the difference between life and death; poverty and prosperity; stagnation and/or growth.  You can choose to suffer long and hard or you can choose to see the storm as a time of pruning and refreshing. It’s all up to you. As we mature we realize everything we need to succeed has already been given to us, but we must develop the patience and fortitude to go through the process.

Here are a few tips to help you develop and exercise your positive attitude muscles:

  • Keep yourself surrounded by positive influences.
  • Remind yourself that you are not the only one.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
  • Be assured that what you are going through is only temporary.

These are just a few suggestions to help you get started on your way to a more positive you even in the middle of adversity. Leave a comment or your own recommendations of things that have helped you maintain a positive mindset through adversity in your life so we can share them with others.

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